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Group name EquipeJPP
Item Type Journal Article
Title [Bladder tumors in the Hérault department: Results of the Hérault tumor registry registration from1987 to 2019]
Creator Bruneaux et al.
Author E. Bruneaux
Author F. Iborra
Author S. G. Trouche-Sabatier
Author A. S. Foucan
Author C. Gras-Aygon
Author G. Poinas
Author D. Azria
Author B. Trétarre
Abstract OBJECTIVES: The Hérault Tumor Registry (RTH) is a general registry qualified by the national committee of registries since 1987. The objective of this study is to present the evolution of the epidemiology of bladder cancer (stage?T1) in the Hérault department based on data collected by the RTH over a period from 1987 to 2019. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We analyzed trends in bladder cancer incidence in Hérault between 1987 and 2019 by sex, age, and stage, as well as mortality trends between 1987 and 2017. For the years 2018-2019, which are the last two years validated by the registry, we described relative frequencies, sex ratio, mean and median age at diagnosis, cumulative risk, stages at diagnosis, pathology data, and primary treatments. Observed and net survival data are analyzed for those diagnosed between 01/01/2000 and 12/31/2015 with a point date of 06/30/2018. RESULTS: In 2018-2019, bladder cancer was the 7th most common cancer in Hérault (5th in men and 12th in women) with an incidence sex ratio of 3.9 men to one woman. The mean age at diagnosis was 75.3 years for men and 77.8 years for women. The probability of having bladder cancer before the age of 75 years was 1.68% for a man (1/59) and 0.34% for a woman (1/295). Urothelial carcinomas accounted for 90.7% of cancers. Between 1987 and 2019, bladder cancer incidence TSMs (worldwide standardized rates) decreased by 0.8% per year in men and remained stable in women. Mortality TSMs between 1987 and 2017 followed the same trends with a decrease of 2.2% per year in men and stability in women. For the 3304 bladder cancers diagnosed between 01/01/2000 and 12/31/2015, the observed 5-year survival was 38% (34% in women and 38% in men). CONCLUSIONS: Bladder cancer incidence and mortality rates have decreased slightly in men but remain stable in women in the Hérault. Registries collect only a limited number of variables for each patient. In 2018 the Hérault Registry Specialized in Onco-Urology (RHESOU) was created, to have comprehensive data.
Publication Progres En Urologie: Journal De l'Association Francaise D'urologie Et De La Societe Francaise D'urologie
Pages S1166-7087(23)00167-7
Date 2023-08-28
Journal Abbr Prog Urol
Language fre
DOI 10.1016/j.purol.2023.08.015
ISSN 1166-7087
Short Title [Bladder tumors in the Hérault department
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 37648602
Tags Bladder cancer, Bladder tumor, Cancer de la vessie, clinic, Épidémiologie, Epidemiology, Incidence, Mortalité, Registre, Tumeur de la vessie
Date Added 2023/11/23 - 12:48:16
Date Modified 2024/12/15 - 03:55:51
Notes and Attachments PubMed entry (Attachment)

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