Epitranscriptomics & Cancer Adaptation : A.David


Our research work focuses on the contribution of post-transcriptional mechanisms on cancer cell adaptation, in particular RNA epigenetic & translational control.


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Group name EquipeCTCS
Item Type Journal Article
Title Distinct oncogenes drive different genome and epigenome alterations in human mammary epithelial cells
Creator Fonti et al.
Author Claire Fonti
Author Anne Saumet
Author Amanda Abi-Khalil
Author Béatrice Orsetti
Author Elouan Cleroux
Author Ambre Bender
Author Michael Dumas
Author Emeline Schmitt
Author Jacques Colinge
Author William Jacot
Author Michael Weber
Author Claude Sardet
Author Stanislas du Manoir
Author Charles Theillet
Abstract Molecular subtypes of breast cancer are defined on the basis of gene expression and genomic/epigenetic pattern differences. Different subtypes are thought to originate from distinct cell lineages, but the early activation of an oncogene could also play a role. It is difficult to discriminate the respective inputs of oncogene activation or cell type of origin. In this work, we wished to determine whether activation of distinct oncogenic pathways in human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) could lead to different patterns of genetic and epigenetic changes. To this aim, we transduced shp53 immortalized HMECs in parallel with the CCNE1, WNT1 and RASv12 oncogenes which activate distinct oncogenic pathways and characterized them at sequential stages of transformation for changes in their genetic and epigenetic profiles. We show that initial activation of CCNE1, WNT1 and RASv12, in shp53 HMECs results in different and reproducible changes in mRNA and micro-RNA expression, copy number alterations (CNA) and DNA methylation profiles. Noticeably, HMECs transformed by RAS bore very specific profiles of CNAs and DNA methylation, clearly distinct from those shown by CCNE1 and WNT1 transformed HMECs. Genes impacted by CNAs and CpG methylation in the RAS and the CCNE1/WNT1 clusters showed clear differences, illustrating the activation of distinct pathways. Our data show that early activation of distinct oncogenic pathways leads to active adaptive events resulting in specific sets of CNAs and DNA methylation changes. We, thus, propose that activation of different oncogenes could have a role in reshaping the genetic landscape of breast cancer subtypes.
Publication International Journal of Cancer
Volume 145
Issue 5
Pages 1299-1311
Date Sep 01, 2019
Journal Abbr Int. J. Cancer
Language eng
DOI 10.1002/ijc.32413
ISSN 1097-0215
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra 00000 PMID: 31093963
Tags breast cancer, cell type, corresponding, first, first-last-corresponding, genome, last, modifications, oncogene, original
Date Added 2019/09/17 - 18:11:32
Date Modified 2025/01/16 - 11:24:48
Notes and Attachments PubMed entry (Attachment)

© Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier - 2011 - Tous droits réservés - Mentions légales - Connexion - Conception : ID Alizés