Epitranscriptomics & Cancer Adaptation : A.David


Our research work focuses on the contribution of post-transcriptional mechanisms on cancer cell adaptation, in particular RNA epigenetic & translational control.


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Added by Nathalie Bonnefoy
Group name EquipeNB
Item Type Journal Article
Title Intrinsic features of the cancer cell as drivers of immune checkpoint blockade response and refractoriness
Creator Ursino et al.
Author Chiara Ursino
Author Cécile Mouric
Author Laurent Gros
Author Nathalie Bonnefoy
Author Julien Faget
Abstract Immune checkpoint blockade represents the latest revolution in cancer treatment by substantially increasing patients' lifetime and quality of life in multiple neoplastic pathologies. However, this new avenue of cancer management appeared extremely beneficial in a minority of cancer types and the sub-population of patients that would benefit from such therapies remain difficult to predict. In this review of the literature, we have summarized important knowledge linking cancer cell characteristics with the response to immunotherapy. Mostly focused on lung cancer, our objective was to illustrate how cancer cell diversity inside a well-defined pathology might explain sensitivity and refractoriness to immunotherapies. We first discuss how genomic instability, epigenetics and innate immune signaling could explain differences in the response to immune checkpoint blockers. Then, in a second part we detailed important notions suggesting that altered cancer cell metabolism, specific oncogenic signaling, tumor suppressor loss as well as tight control of the cGAS/STING pathway in the cancer cells can be associated with resistance to immune checkpoint blockade. At the end, we discussed recent evidences that could suggest that immune checkpoint blockade as first line therapy might shape the cancer cell clones diversity and give rise to the appearance of novel resistance mechanisms.
Publication Frontiers in Immunology
Volume 14
Pages 1170321
Date 2023
Journal Abbr Front Immunol
Language eng
DOI 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1170321
ISSN 1664-3224
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 37180110 PMCID: PMC10169604
Tags adjuvanticity, Chromogranin A, corresponding, first, Humans, immune checkpoint, immunogenicitiy, Immunotherapy, last, Lung Neoplasms, plasticicity, Quality of Life, review, tumor micro environment (TME)
Date Added 2023/11/15 - 10:25:45
Date Modified 2023/11/15 - 17:27:14
Notes and Attachments PubMed entry (Attachment)
Texte intégral (Attachment)

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