Epitranscriptomics & Cancer Adaptation : A.David


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Group name EquipeCTCS
Item Type Journal Article
Title NK cells in peripheral blood carry trogocytosed tumor antigens from solid cancer cells
Creator Campos-Mora et al.
Author Mauricio Campos-Mora
Author William Jacot
Author Genevieve Garcin
Author Marie-Lise Depondt
Author Michael Constantinides
Author Catherine Alexia
Author Martin Villalba
Abstract The innate immune lymphocyte lineage natural killer (NK) cell infiltrates tumor environment where it can recognize and eliminate tumor cells. NK cell tumor infiltration is linked to patient prognosis. However, it is unknown if some of these antitumor NK cells leave the tumor environment. In blood-borne cancers, NK cells that have interacted with leukemic cells are recognized by the co-expression of two CD45 isoforms (CD45RARO cells) and/or the plasma membrane presence of tumor antigens (Ag), which NK cells acquire by trogocytosis. We evaluated solid tumor Ag uptake by trogocytosis on NK cells by performing co-cultures in vitro. We analyzed NK population subsets by unsupervised dimensional reduction techniques in blood samples from breast tumor (BC) patients and healthy donors (HD). We confirmed that NK cells perform trogocytosis from solid cancer cells in vitro. The extent of trogocytosis depends on the target cell and the antigen, but not on the amount of Ag expressed by the target cell or the sensitivity to NK cell killing. We identified by FlowSOM (Self-Organizing Maps) several NK cell clusters differentially abundant between BC patients and HD, including anti-tumor NK subsets with phenotype CD45RARO+CD107a+. These analyses showed that bona-fide NK cells that have degranulated were increased in patients and, additionally, these NK cells exhibit trogocytosis of solid tumor Ag on their surface. However, the frequency of NK cells that have trogocytosed is very low and much lower than that found in hematological cancer patients, suggesting that the number of NK cells that exit the tumor environment is scarce. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing the presence of solid tumor markers on circulating NK subsets from breast tumor patients. This NK cell immune profiling could lead to generate novel strategies to complement established therapies for BC patients or to the use of peripheral blood NK cells in the theranostic of solid cancer patients after treatment.
Publication Frontiers in Immunology
Volume 14
Pages 1199594
Date 2023
Journal Abbr Front Immunol
Language eng
DOI 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1199594
ISSN 1664-3224
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 37593736 PMCID: PMC10427869
Tags Animals, Antigens, Neoplasm, breast cancer, Breast Neoplasms, CD45, Cell Membrane, Female, Hematologic Neoplasms, Humans, Killer Cells, Natural, Mammary Neoplasms, Animal, NK cells, original, t-SNE, trogocytosis
Date Added 2023/10/16 - 14:55:29
Date Modified 2023/10/16 - 17:38:26
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Texte intégral (Attachment)

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