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Group name EquipeJPP
Item Type Journal Article
Title Comparison of the Lunar Prodigy and Stratos DR Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometers to Assess Regional Bone Mineral Density
Creator Maïmoun et al.
Author Laurent Maïmoun
Author Krishna Kunal Mahadea
Author Vincent Boudousq
Author Thibault Mura
Author Denis Mariano-Goulart
Abstract PURPOSE: The first objective of the study was to assess the agreement between the Stratos DR (DMS) and the GE Prodigy (GE) DXAs in determining femoral neck, total hip and lumbar spine aBMD. The second objective was to assess the potential impact of leg positioning (hip flexed at 90° or not) on lumbar spine aBMD. METHODS: Forty-six individuals (n=42 women, 91.3%), with a mean age of 59.7 ± 13 years and mean BMI of 23.8 ± 4.7 kg/m², were scanned consecutively on the same day using the two devices. In a subgroup (n=30), two consecutive Stratos DR scans (with hip flexed at 90° or not) at the lumbar spine were conducted. Predictive equations for hip and lumbar spine aBMD were derived from linear regression of the data. RESULTS: Correlation coefficients for aBMD measured with the two DXAs were characterised by an R² of 0.76 for the femoral neck, 0.89 for the total hip, and 0.86 for the lumbar spine. However, the derived equations for aBMD determination showed an intercept significantly different from 0 for hip aBMD, and a slope significantly different from 1 for lumbar spine aBMD. These results highlight a bias between the two measurements, thus requiring the determination of specific cross-calibration equations for hip and lumbar spine, femoral neck excepted. When compared with values on the Prodigy, mean aBMD on the Stratos DR was higher at the femoral neck (+4.8%, p<0.001) and total hip (+9.6%, p<0.001) and lower at L2-L4 (-8.8%, p<0.001). The coefficient of variation (CV%) for the two consecutive measures at lumbar spine (with different positioning) with the Stratos DR was 2.9%. CONCLUSIONS: The difference in aBMD measured with the two DXAs illustrates the need to define cross-calibration equations when comparing data across systems in order to avoid erroneous conclusions.
Publication Journal of Clinical Densitometry: The Official Journal of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry
Volume 25
Issue 4
Pages 569-576
Date 2022
Journal Abbr J Clin Densitom
Language eng
DOI 10.1016/j.jocd.2022.07.001
ISSN 1094-6950
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 35909031
Tags Absorptiometry, Photon, Aged, Areal bone mineral density (aBMD), Bone Density, Female, Femur Neck, Humans, Lumbar Vertebrae, Middle Aged, Prodigy, Stratos DR, X-Rays
Date Added 2024/12/07 - 07:49:18
Date Modified 2024/12/15 - 11:23:41
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Submitted Version (Attachment)

© Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier - 2011 - Tous droits réservés - Mentions légales - Connexion - Conception : ID Alizés