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Group name EquipePM
Item Type Journal Article
Title 99mTc-mebrofenin hepatobiliary scintigraphy and volume metrics before liver preparation: correlations and discrepancies in non-cirrhotic patients
Creator Guiu et al.
Author Boris Guiu
Author Emmanuel Deshayes
Author Fabrizio Panaro
Author Florian Sanglier
Author Caterina Cusumano
Author Astrid Herrerro
Author Olivia Sgarbura
Author Nicolas Molinari
Author Christophe Cassinotto
Abstract Background: Accurate identification of insufficient future liver remnant (FLR) is required to select patients for liver preparation and limit the risk of post-hepatectomy liver failure (PHLF). The objective of this study was to investigate the correlations and discrepancies between the most-commonly used FLR volume metrics and 99mTc-mebrofenin hepatobiliary scintigraphy (HBS). Methods: In 101 non-cirrhotic patients who underwent HBS before major hepatectomy, we retrospectively analyzed the correlations and discrepancies between FLR function and FLR volume metrics: actual percentage (FLRV%), standardized to body surface area (FLRV%BSA) and weight (FLRV%weight), and FLR to body weight ratio (FLRV-BWR). Results: Among 67 patients with FLR function ?2.69%/min/m2, PHLF was observed in none and 13 patients according to respectively 50-50 and ISGLS criteria. FLRV%, FLRV%BSA, FLRV%weight and FLRV-BWR significantly correlated with FLR function (P<0.001), with Spearman's correlation coefficients of 0.680, 0.704, 0.698, and 0.711, respectively. No difference was observed between the areas under the curve of FLRV%, FLRV%BSA, FLRV%weight and FLR-BWR (all P=ns). Overall, the percentages of patients misclassified by FLRV%, FLRV%BSA, FLRV%weight (thresholds: 30%) and FLR-BWR (threshold: 0.5) versus FLR function (threshold: 2.69%/min/m2) were 23.8% (95% CI: 15.9-33.3%), 18.8% (95% CI: 11.7-27.8%), 17.8% (95% CI: 11-26.7%), and 31.7% (95% CI: 22.8-41.7%), respectively. FLR volume metrics wrongly classified 1-13.9% of patients with sufficient FLR function (i.e., ?2.69%/min/m2), and 9.9-30.7% of patients with insufficient FLR function. FLRV-BWR was the most and the least reliable measure to identify patients with sufficient and insufficient FLR function, respectively. Conclusions: Despite significant correlations, the discrepancy rates between FLR volume and function metrics speaks in favor of implementing 99mTc-mebrofenin HBS in the work-up before liver preparation.
Publication Annals of Translational Medicine
Volume 9
Issue 9
Pages 795
Date 2021-05
Journal Abbr Ann Transl Med
Language eng
DOI 10.21037/atm-20-7372
ISSN 2305-5839
Short Title 99mTc-mebrofenin hepatobiliary scintigraphy and volume metrics before liver preparation
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra 00000 PMID: 34268408 PMCID: PMC8246210
Tags clinic, CT-scan, Hepatectomy, mebrofenin
Date Added 2021/08/06 - 17:52:02
Date Modified 2022/02/04 - 18:11:32
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