Epitranscriptomics & Cancer Adaptation : A.David


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Group name EquipeCG
Item Type Journal Article
Title Redox mechanism of levobupivacaine cytostatic effect on human prostate cancer cells
Creator Jose et al.
Author Caroline Jose
Author Etienne Hebert-Chatelain
Author Nivea Dias Amoedo
Author Emmanuel Roche
Author Emilie Obre
Author Didier Lacombe
Author Hamid Reza Rezvani
Author Philippe Pourquier
Author Karine Nouette-Gaulain
Author Rodrigue Rossignol
Abstract Anti-cancer effects of local anesthetics have been reported but the mode of action remains elusive. Here, we examined the bioenergetic and REDOX impact of levobupivacaine on human prostate cancer cells (DU145) and corresponding non-cancer primary human prostate cells (BHP). Levobupivacaine induced a combined inhibition of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation in cancer cells, resulting in a reduced cellular ATP production and consecutive bioenergetic crisis, along with reactive oxygen species generation. The dose-dependent inhibition of respiratory chain complex I activity by levobupivacaine explained the alteration of mitochondrial energy fluxes. Furthermore, the potency of levobupivacaine varied with glucose and oxygen availability as well as the cellular energy demand, in accordance with a bioenergetic anti-cancer mechanism. The levobupivacaine-induced bioenergetic crisis triggered cytostasis in prostate cancer cells as evidenced by a S-phase cell cycle arrest, without apoptosis induction. In DU145 cells, levobupivacaine also triggered the induction of autophagy and blockade of this process potentialized the anti-cancer effect of the local anesthetic. Therefore, our findings provide a better characterization of the REDOX mechanisms underpinning the anti-effect of levobupivacaine against human prostate cancer cells.
Publication Redox Biology
Volume 18
Pages 33-42
Date 09 2018
Journal Abbr Redox Biol
Language eng
DOI 10.1016/j.redox.2018.05.014
ISSN 2213-2317
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 29935387 PMCID: PMC6019688
Tags Levobupivacaine, original, Oxidative phosphorylation, Prostate cancer, SIRIC BRIO, Wortmannin
Date Added 2018/09/14 - 16:39:24
Date Modified 2019/10/24 - 16:30:51

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