Epitranscriptomics & Cancer Adaptation : A.David


Our research work focuses on the contribution of post-transcriptional mechanisms on cancer cell adaptation, in particular RNA epigenetic & translational control.


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Group name EquipeJPP
Item Type Journal Article
Title RadioTransNet: Preclinical research network coordinated at the SFRO and SFPM
Creator Maingon et al.
Author P. Maingon
Author V. Marchesi
Author D. Azria
Author J. Balosso
Author É Deutsch
Author É Cohen Jonathan-Moyal
Author P. Giraud
Author É Bayart
Abstract The RadioTransNet programme launched under the auspices of French societies for radiation oncology (SFRO) and medical physics (SFPM) was approved by the French national cancer institute (INCa) in December 2018 and is dedicated to proposing a relevant national and transversal structure for preclinical research including translational research in radiation oncology with well-defined priority areas of research. Its activities, coordinated by a scientific committee that includes radiation oncologists, medical physicists, academic biologists, are structured around several main areas, i.e.: target volume definition, interaction of radiation with normal tissues, combined treatments and modern dose calculation approaches. Four work packages have been created in these areas and are associated with other objectives pertaining to fundamental radiobiology, early implementation of new drugs in a preclinical setting, contribution of imaging in this task, research in medical physics including transversal components such as medical oncology, radiology, nuclear medicine and also cost/efficiency evaluation. All these tasks will be included in a national network that uses the complementary expertise provided by partners involved in the scheme. Calls for proposals will be selected by the scientific council to be submitted to INCa and the various academic associations to obtain funding for the human and technical resources required to conduct under optimal conditions projects in preclinical and translational research in radiation-oncology.
Publication Cancer Radiotherapie: Journal De La Societe Francaise De Radiotherapie Oncologique
Volume 26
Issue 1-2
Pages 108-115
Date 2022
Journal Abbr Cancer Radiother
Language eng
DOI 10.1016/j.canrad.2021.08.003
ISSN 1769-6658
Short Title RadioTransNet
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra Number: 1-2 PMID: 34862132
Tags Advisory Committees, Biomedical Research, Calcul de dose, clinic, Combined Modality Therapy, Combined modality treatment, Congresses as Topic, Dose calculation, France, French society for radiation oncology, Guidelines, Humans, Medical physics, Neoplasms, Normal tissues, Organs at Risk, Physique médicale, Preclinical research, Radiation Oncology, Radiobiology, Radiothérapie, Radiotherapy, Radiotherapy Dosage, Recherche préclinique, Recommandations, Société française de radiothérapie oncologique, Societies, Medical, Target volume, tissus sains, Traitements combinés, Translational Research, Biomedical, Tumor Burden, Volumes cibles
Date Added 2023/11/23 - 12:48:26
Date Modified 2023/11/23 - 12:48:26
Notes and Attachments PubMed entry (Attachment)

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