Epitranscriptomics & Cancer Adaptation : A.David


Our research work focuses on the contribution of post-transcriptional mechanisms on cancer cell adaptation, in particular RNA epigenetic & translational control.


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Group name EquipeVC
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auth-address: Inserm U1054, Montpellier 34090, France. CNRS UMR5048, Centre de Biochimie Structurale, Montpellier 34090, France. Universite de Montpellier, Montpellier 34090, France. IRCM, Institut de Recherche en Cancerologie de Montpellier, Montpellier 34298, France. Inserm, U1194, Montpellier 34298, France. ICM, Institut regional du Cancer de Montpellier, Montpellier 34298, France. Inserm U1040, Montpellier 34295, France. Inserm U661, Montpellier 34094, France. CNRS UMR5203, Institut de Genomique Fonctionnelle, Montpellier 34094, France. NovAliX, Illkirch 67400, France. INRA UMR 1331, TOXALIM, Sophia-Antipolis 06903, France. CHU de Montpellier, Institut de Recherche en Biotherapie, Montpellier 34295, France.
alt-title: Nature communications
accession-num: 26333997
Tags _EndnoteXML import
Date Added 2018/11/14 - 12:10:52
Date Modified 2018/11/14 - 12:10:52
Parent item Synergistic activation of human pregnane X receptor by binary cocktails of pharmaceutical and environmental compounds

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