Epitranscriptomics & Cancer Adaptation : A.David


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Group name EquipeCG
Item Type Journal Article
Title [5-fluorouracil therapeutic drug monitoring: Update and recommendations of the STP-PT group of the SFPT and the GPCO-Unicancer]
Creator Lemaitre et al.
Author Florian Lemaitre
Author Françoise Goirand
Author Manon Launay
Author Etienne Chatelut
Author Jean-Christophe Boyer
Author Alexandre Evrard
Author Marie-Noelle Paludetto
Author Romain Guilhaumou
Author Joseph Ciccolini
Author Antonin Schmitt
Abstract Despite being 60-years old now, 5-FU remains the backbone of numerous regimen to treat a variety of solid tumors such as breast, head-and-neck and digestive cancers either in neo-adjuvant, adjuvant or metastatic settings. Standard 5-FU usually claims 15-40% of severe toxicities and up to 1% of toxic-death. Numerous studies show a stiff relationship between 5-FU exposure and toxicity or efficacy. In addition, 5-FU pharmacokinetics is highly variable between patients. Indeed, 80% of the 5-FU dose is catabolized in the liver by dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) into inactive compounds. It is now well established that DPD deficiency could lead to severe toxicities and, thus, require dose reduction in deficient patients. However, despite dosage adaptation based on DPD status, some patients may still experience under- or over-exposure, leading to inefficacy or major toxicity. The "Suivi thérapeutique pharmacologique et personnalisation des traitements" (STP-PT) group of the "Société française de pharmacologie et de thérapeutique" (SFPT) and the "Groupe de pharmacologie clinique oncologique" (GPCO)-Unicancer, based on the latest and most up-to-date literature data, recommend the implementation of 5-FU Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in order to ensure an adequate 5-FU exposure.
Publication Bulletin Du Cancer
Date Aug 10, 2018
Journal Abbr Bull Cancer
Language fre
DOI 10.1016/j.bulcan.2018.06.008
ISSN 1769-6917
Short Title [5-fluorouracil therapeutic drug monitoring
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 30103904
Tags Fluoropyrimidine, Pharmacocinétique, Recommandation, review, Suivi thérapeutique pharmacologique, Therapeutic drug monitoring, Toxicité, Toxicity
Date Added 2018/09/14 - 16:38:25
Date Modified 2019/05/14 - 15:12:08

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