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Added by Nathalie Bonnefoy
Group name EquipeNB
Item Type Journal Article
Title Evaluation of reproducibility of tumor repositioning during multiple breathing cycles for liver stereotactic body radiotherapy treatment
Creator Bedos et al.
Author Ludovic Bedos
Author Olivier Riou
Author Antoine Braccini
Author Jessica Molinier
Author Carmen Llacer Moscardo
Author David Azria
Author Pascal Fenoglietto
Abstract AIM: To evaluate the tumor repositioning during gated volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) for liver stereotactic body radiotherapy(SBRT) treatment using implanted fiducial markers and intrafraction kilovoltage (kV) images acquired during dose delivery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Since 2012, 47 liver cancer patients with implanted fiducial markers were treated using the gated VMAT technique with a Varian Truebeam STx linear accelerator. The fiducial markers were implanted inside or close to the tumor target before treatment simulation. They were defined at the maximum inhalation and exhalation phases on a 4-dimensionnal computed tomography (4DCT) acquisition. During the treatment, kV images were acquired just before the beam-on at each breathing cycle at maximum exhalation and inhalation phases to verify the fiducial markers positions. For the five first fractions of treatment in the first ten consecutive patients, a total of 2705 intrafraction kV images were retrospectively analyzed to assess the differences between expected and actual positions of the fiducial markers along the cranio-caudal (CC) direction during the exhalation phase. RESULTS: The mean absolute intrafractional fiducial marker deviation along the CC direction was 1.0 mm at the maximum exhalation phase. In 99%, 95% and 90% cases, the fiducial marker deviations were ?4.5 mm, 2.8 mm and 2.2 mm, respectively. CONCLUSION: Intrafraction kV images allowed us to ensure the consistency of tumor repositioning during treatment. In 99% cases, the fiducial marker deviations were ?4.5 mm corresponding to our 5 mm treatment margin. This margin seems to be well-adapted to the gated VMAT SBRT treatment in liver disease.
Publication Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy: Journal of Greatpoland Cancer Center in Poznan and Polish Society of Radiation Oncology
Volume 22
Issue 2
Pages 132-140
Date 2017 Mar-Apr
Journal Abbr Rep Pract Oncol Radiother
Language eng
DOI 10.1016/j.rpor.2016.07.007
ISSN 1507-1367
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 28490984 PMCID: PMC5411957
Tags clinic, Gated VMAT, Intrafraction target motion verification, Respiratory gating
Date Added 2019/05/28 - 22:03:48
Date Modified 2019/05/28 - 22:04:00
Notes and Attachments PubMed entry (Attachment)
Texte intégral (Attachment)

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