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Added by Cavailles
Group name EquipeVC
Item Type Journal Article
Title Clinical, Economic, and Organizational Impact of the Clinical Pharmacist in an Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery Department
Creator Renaudin et al.
Author Pierre Renaudin
Author Annabelle Coste
Author Yohan Audurier
Author Julie Berbis
Author François Canovas
Author Anne Jalabert
Author Audrey Castet-Nicolas
Author Gregoire Mercier
Author Maxime Villiet
Author Louis Dagneaux
Author Cyril Breuker
Abstract AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical, economic, and organizational impact of clinical pharmacist services added to an adult orthopedic and trauma surgery unit in a university hospital. METHODS: This was a prospective, observational study performed from January to February 2017. All pharmacists' interventions were documented, and their clinical, economic, and organizational impact and the probability of adverse drug events (ADEs) were assessed using the clinical, economic and organizational scale three-dimensional scale. An expert panel composed of three clinical pharmacists, one surgeon and one anesthetist classified the pharmacist intervention. The potential clinical impact was determined through a consensus by the expert panel. Cost avoidance was calculated for serious ADEs with a major impact by avoiding an additional cost of &OV0556;4912 per event and taking into account the probability of ADE occurrence. RESULTS: The pharmacists performed 1014 interventions for 28 days with a 95.3% acceptance rate by prescribers. Thirty-nine interventions were rated to have a major clinical impact (3.8%). The organizational impact was estimated favorable for 856 (84.4%) pharmacist interventions. Cost avoidance was estimated at &OV0556;24,364, and the indirect costs benefit was estimated at &OV0556;11,864 during the study. The cost-benefit ratio of the clinical pharmacist intervention was &OV0556;1.94 in savings for every &OV0556;1 invested. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical pharmacist services in an orthopedic and trauma surgery department have the potential to improve patient outcomes and avoid healthcare costs. Furthermore, the presence of a pharmacist in surgical units allows for communication between the unit and the pharmacy, which produces better fluidity and improves the quality of care.
Publication Journal of Patient Safety
Date 2019
Journal Abbr J Patient Saf
Language eng
ISSN 1549-8425
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 30365407
Tags clinic
Date Added 2019/05/16 - 15:29:04
Date Modified 2023/11/21 - 14:34:22
Notes and Attachments PubMed entry (Attachment)

© Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier - 2011 - Tous droits réservés - Mentions légales - Connexion - Conception : ID Alizés