Epitranscriptomics & Cancer Adaptation : A.David


Our research work focuses on the contribution of post-transcriptional mechanisms on cancer cell adaptation, in particular RNA epigenetic & translational control.


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Group name EquipeMY
Item Type Journal Article
Title Rectal cancer: French Intergroup clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis, treatments and follow-up (SNFGE, FFCD, GERCOR, UNICANCER, SFCD, SFED, SFRO)
Creator Gérard et al.
Author Thierry André
Author Frédéric Bibeau
Author Thierry Conroy
Author Jean-Louis Legoux
Author Guillaume Portier
Author Jean-François Bosset
Author Guillaume Cadiot
Author Olivier Bouché
Author Laurent Bedenne
Abstract INTRODUCTION: This document is a summary of the French Intergroup guidelines regarding the management of rectal adenocarcinoma published in February 2016. METHOD: This collaborative work, under the auspices of most of the French medical societies involved in the management of rectal cancer, is based on the previous guidelines published in 2013. Recommendations are graded into 3 categories according to the level of evidence of data found in the literature. RESULTS: In agreement with the ESMO guidelines (2013), non-metastatic rectal cancers have been stratified in 4 risk groups according to endoscopy, MRI or endorectal-ultrasonography. Locally-advanced tumors are limited to groups 3 and 4 (T3?4cm or T3c-d or N1-2 or T4). These tumors are usually treated using neoadjuvant treatment and total proctectomy (TME). Adjuvant treatment depends on the pathological findings. Very early (group 1) or early (group 2) tumors are managed mainly by surgery, and organ preservation may be an option in selected cases. For metastatic tumors, the recommendations are based on less robust evidence and chemotherapy plays a major role. CONCLUSION: Such recommendations are constantly being optimized and each individual case must be discussed within a Multi-Disciplinary Team.
Publication Digestive and Liver Disease: Official Journal of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology and the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver
Volume 49
Issue 4
Pages 359-367
Date Apr 2017
Journal Abbr Dig Liver Dis
Language eng
DOI 10.1016/j.dld.2017.01.152
ISSN 1878-3562
Short Title Rectal cancer
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 28179091
Tags clinic, Follow-Up Studies, Guidelines, Humans, National recommendations, Neoadjuvant Therapy, Neoplasm Staging, Proctocolectomy, Restorative, Rectal cancer, Rectal Neoplasms, Rectum
Date Added 2018/11/13 - 17:25:16
Date Modified 2019/05/21 - 13:35:34

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