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Group name EquipeNB
Item Type Journal Article
Title Emerging clinical phenotypes associated with anti-cytokine autoantibodies
Creator Vincent et al.
Author T. Vincent
Author M. Plawecki
Author R. Goulabchand
Author P. Guilpain
Author J. F. Eliaou
Abstract Anti-cytokine autoantibodies (AAbs) are frequent and involve a very large panel of cytokines both in healthy subjects and in patients with various pathological conditions. In healthy individuals, anti-cytokine AAbs are described as a part of the natural AAb repertoire and are thought to contribute to the fine regulation of cytokine homeostasis. In some patients, neutralizing AAbs targeting cytokines required for the immune protection against specific microbes may induce acquired immunodeficiency leading to very specific infectious phenotypes. For instance, anti-IFNgamma AAbs may induce disseminated non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections; anti-IL-17 AAbs are associated with the development of chronic mucosal candidiasis, and anti-IL-6 AAbs with severe staphylococcal or streptococcal infections. In patients with autoimmune diseases, AAbs directed against pathogenic cytokines are able to influence the course of the diseases. In lupus patients, neutralizing anti-IFNalpha and anti-TNFalpha AAbs are associated with a decreased bioactivity of the corresponding cytokine and a lower disease severity. Similarly, anti-IL-1alpha AAbs are associated with nondestructive forms of chronic polyarthritis. More surprisingly, neutralizing anti-BAFF AAbs are observed in the serum of lupus patients with elevated IFNalpha signature and higher disease activity. In this review, we summarize the current literature describing the different phenotypes and the main mechanisms associated with the occurrence of anti-cytokine AAbs.
Publication Autoimmun Rev
Volume 14
Pages 528-35
Date Jun 2015
Journal Abbr Autoimmunity reviews
DOI 10.1016/j.autrev.2015.01.015
ISSN 1873-0183 (Electronic) 1568-9972 (Linking)
Tags Autoantibodies/*immunology, Autoimmune Diseases/immunology, Cytokines/*immunology, first-last-corresponding, Humans, Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes/immunology, Phenotype, review, Thymus Gland/immunology
Date Added 2018/11/14 - 12:04:32
Date Modified 2019/05/28 - 21:46:50
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