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Item Type Journal Article
Title Distribution- and anchor-based methods to determine the minimally important difference on patient-reported outcome questionnaires in oncology: a structured review
Creator Ousmen et al.
Author Ahmad Ousmen
Author Célia Touraine
Author Nina Deliu
Author Francesco Cottone
Author Franck Bonnetain
Author Fabio Efficace
Author Anne Brédart
Author Caroline Mollevi
Author Amélie Anota
Abstract BACKGROUND: Interpretation of differences or changes in patient-reported outcome scores should not only consider statistical significance, but also clinical relevance. Accordingly, accurate determination of the minimally important difference (MID) is crucial to assess the effectiveness of health care interventions, as well as for sample size calculation. Several methods have been proposed to determine the MID. Our aim was to review the statistical methods used to determine MID in patient-reported outcome (PRO) questionnaires in cancer patients, focusing on the distribution- and anchor-based approaches and to present the variability of criteria used as well as possible limitations. METHODS: We performed a systematic search using PubMed. We searched for all cancer studies related to MID determination on a PRO questionnaire. Two reviewers independently screened titles and abstracts to identify relevant articles. Data were extracted from eligible articles using a predefined data collection form. Discrepancies were resolved by discussion and the involvement of a third reviewer. RESULTS: Sixty-three articles were identified, of which 46 were retained for final analysis. Both distribution- and anchor-based approaches were used to assess the MID in 37 studies (80.4%). Different time points were used to apply the distribution-based method and the most frequently reported distribution was the 0.5 standard deviation at baseline. A change in a PRO external scale (N =?13, 30.2%) and performance status (N =?15, 34.9%) were the most frequently used anchors. The stability of the MID over time was rarely investigated and only 28.2% of studies used at least 3 assessment timepoints. The robustness of anchor-based MID was questionable in 37.2% of the studies where the minimal number of patients by anchor category was less than 20. CONCLUSION: Efforts are needed to improve the quality of the methodology used for MID determination in PRO questionnaires used in oncology. In particular, increased attention to the sample size should be paid to guarantee reliable results. This could increase the use of these specific thresholds in future studies.
Publication Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Volume 16
Issue 1
Pages 228
Date Dec 11, 2018
Journal Abbr Health Qual Life Outcomes
Language eng
DOI 10.1186/s12955-018-1055-z
ISSN 1477-7525
Short Title Distribution- and anchor-based methods to determine the minimally important difference on patient-reported outcome questionnaires in oncology
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 30537955 PMCID: PMC6288886
Tags Anchor-based approach, Distribution-based approach, Minimally important difference, original, Patient-reported outcomes
Date Added 2019/01/16 - 10:42:42
Date Modified 2019/05/21 - 12:09:45
Notes and Attachments PubMed entry (Attachment)

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