Added by | mollevi |
Group name | EquipeMY |
Item Type | Journal Article |
Title | Locally recurrent rectal cancer: what the radiologist should know |
Creator | Ganeshan et al. |
Author | Dhakshinamoorthy Ganeshan |
Author | Stephanie Nougaret |
Author | Elena Korngold |
Author | Gaiane M. Rauch |
Author | Courtney C. Moreno |
Abstract | Despite advances in surgical techniques and chemoradiation therapy, recurrent rectal cancer remains a cause of morbidity and mortality. After successful treatment of rectal cancer, patients are typically enrolled in a surveillance strategy that includes imaging as studies have shown improved prognosis when recurrent rectal cancer is detected during imaging surveillance versus based on development of symptoms. Additionally, patients who experience a complete clinical response with chemoradiation therapy may elect to enroll in a "watch-and-wait" strategy that includes imaging surveillance rather than surgical resection. Factors that increase the likelihood of recurrence, patterns of recurrence, and the imaging appearances of recurrent rectal cancer are reviewed with a focus on CT, PET CT, and MR imaging. |
Publication | Abdominal Radiology (New York) |
Date | Apr 05, 2019 |
Journal Abbr | Abdom Radiol (NY) |
Language | eng |
DOI | 10.1007/s00261-019-02003-5 |
ISSN | 2366-0058 |
Short Title | Locally recurrent rectal cancer |
Library Catalog | PubMed |
Extra | PMID: 30953096 |
Tags | Humans, Lymphatic Metastasis, Multimodal Imaging, Neoplasm Invasiveness, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local, Neoplasm Staging, Rectal cancer, Rectal Neoplasms, Recurrent rectal cancer, review, Risk Factors |
Date Added | 2019/04/16 - 16:31:02 |
Date Modified | 2020/11/18 - 15:40:47 |
Notes and Attachments | PubMed entry (Attachment) PubMed entry (Attachment) |