Epitranscriptomics & Cancer Adaptation : A.David


Our research work focuses on the contribution of post-transcriptional mechanisms on cancer cell adaptation, in particular RNA epigenetic & translational control.


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Group name EquipeMY
Item Type Journal Article
Title Locally recurrent rectal cancer: what the radiologist should know
Creator Ganeshan et al.
Author Dhakshinamoorthy Ganeshan
Author Stephanie Nougaret
Author Elena Korngold
Author Gaiane M. Rauch
Author Courtney C. Moreno
Abstract Despite advances in surgical techniques and chemoradiation therapy, recurrent rectal cancer remains a cause of morbidity and mortality. After successful treatment of rectal cancer, patients are typically enrolled in a surveillance strategy that includes imaging as studies have shown improved prognosis when recurrent rectal cancer is detected during imaging surveillance versus based on development of symptoms. Additionally, patients who experience a complete clinical response with chemoradiation therapy may elect to enroll in a "watch-and-wait" strategy that includes imaging surveillance rather than surgical resection. Factors that increase the likelihood of recurrence, patterns of recurrence, and the imaging appearances of recurrent rectal cancer are reviewed with a focus on CT, PET CT, and MR imaging.
Publication Abdominal Radiology (New York)
Date Apr 05, 2019
Journal Abbr Abdom Radiol (NY)
Language eng
DOI 10.1007/s00261-019-02003-5
ISSN 2366-0058
Short Title Locally recurrent rectal cancer
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 30953096
Tags Humans, Lymphatic Metastasis, Multimodal Imaging, Neoplasm Invasiveness, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local, Neoplasm Staging, Rectal cancer, Rectal Neoplasms, Recurrent rectal cancer, review, Risk Factors
Date Added 2019/04/16 - 16:31:02
Date Modified 2020/11/18 - 15:40:47
Notes and Attachments PubMed entry (Attachment)
PubMed entry (Attachment)

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