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Group name EquipeAT
Item Type Journal Article
Title [Evaluation of urine postvoid residuals in post-partum period: a prospective and descriptive clinical study]
Creator Neron et al.
Author M. Neron
Author B. Fatton
Author M. Monforte
Author P. Mares
Author R. de Tayrac
Author V. Letouzey
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Few studies have evaluated urine postvoid residuals (PVRs) and their risk factors during the post-partum (PP) period. The aim of this prospective study was to screen postvoid residuals in a cohort of patients in PP, and to identify the risk factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: For three months, patients in PP were given an evaluation of their PVR (ultrasounds method) after a spontaneous urination. Clinical data as regards delivery were collected. RESULTS: One hundred and sixty-eight patients were included. Among them, 61% had a urine volume at the first urination over 500 mL, and 52% presented with a pathological PVR (PVR over 150 mL for a urine volume over 150 mL). The median PVR was 153.50 mL. The median volume of the first spontaneous urination was 400 mL. Among patients with a pathological PVR, the total duration of the labor and the duration of its second phase were significantly longer (P=0.003 and P<0.05, respectively), and the volume of the first urination was higher. Indwelling catheterization during the delivery decreased the volume of the first spontaneous urination (volume over 500 mL in 28% vs 72% of patients, P=0.017) but was not associated with a decreased PVR in non-pathological deliveries. Instrumental deliveries were associated with higher PVRs than caesarean or physiological deliveries (244 mL, 180 mL et 156 mL; P=0.033). A bacteriuria was not significantly associated with PVR (54% vs 49%, P>0.05). CONCLUSION: We were able to identify risk factors for PVR in the PP, such as the duration of labor, instrumental delivery and elevated volume of the first urination after delivery.
Publication Progres En Urologie: Journal De l'Association Francaise D'urologie Et De La Societe Francaise D'urologie
Volume 25
Issue 4
Pages 211-216
Date Mar 2015
Journal Abbr Prog. Urol.
Language fre
DOI 10.1016/j.purol.2014.09.043
ISSN 1166-7087
Short Title [Evaluation of urine postvoid residuals in post-partum period
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 25450754
Tags Accouchement, Adult, clinic, Delivery, Female, Humans, Post-partum, Postpartum, Prospective Studies, Puerperal Disorders, Résidus postmictionnels, Risk Factors, Sondage urinaire, Urinary catheterization, Urinary Retention, Urine postvoid residual
Date Added 2019/05/29 - 15:26:47
Date Modified 2019/05/29 - 15:27:20
Notes and Attachments PubMed entry (Attachment)

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