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Group name EquipeCTCS
Item Type Journal Article
Title On skin dose estimation software in interventional radiology
Creator Colombo et al.
Author P. E. Colombo
Author M. Felisi
Author S. Riga
Author A. Torresin
Abstract In recent years, a growing interest has been shown in the implementation of software dedicated to the skin dose calculation, since the Fluoroscopically Guided Interventions are expanding in various medical areas. In this regard, a review article recently published by Malchair et al. (2020) is of great importance as it provides the reader with useful references to the software currently available to estimate the patient's skin dose. Despite the usefulness of collecting and summarizing in one paper the different software solutions, a few critical issues have emerged related to some parameters and configurations used in the estimation; additional details concerning patient's size and position can be added to the information cited by the authors, giving greater robustness to the software calculation. Furthermore, software results cited in the benchmarking without reference cause a lack of solid information. Our suggestion is to adopt the given criteria to evaluate every available software solutions thus helping the eventual user to analyse the tool before adopting it.
Publication Physica medica: PM: an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology: official journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB)
Volume 81
Pages 182-184
Date 2021-01
Journal Abbr Phys Med
Language eng
DOI 10.1016/j.ejmp.2020.12.017
ISSN 1724-191X
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 33465754
Tags first, first-last-corresponding, Humans, marque, original, Radiation Dosage, Radiology, Interventional, Skin, Software
Date Added 2022/07/29 - 15:55:24
Date Modified 2022/08/01 - 16:16:02
Notes and Attachments PubMed entry (Attachment)

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