Epitranscriptomics & Cancer Adaptation : A.David


Our research work focuses on the contribution of post-transcriptional mechanisms on cancer cell adaptation, in particular RNA epigenetic & translational control.


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auth-address: M. Dror Michaelson, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Boston, MA; Stephane Oudard, George Pompidou European Hospital, Rene Descartes University, Paris; Nadine Houede, Institut Bergonie, Bordeaux; Tristan Maurina, CHU de Besancon, Hopital Jean Minjoz, Besancon, France; Yen-Chuan Ou, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan; Lisa Sengelov, Herlev Hospital, Herlev; Gedske Daugaard, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark; Fred Saad, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada; Peter Ostler, Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood, Middlesex; Robert Jones, Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Glasgow; Amit Bahl, Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre, Bristol, UK; Arnulf Stenzl, Eberhard-Karls-University Medical School, Tubingen; Juergen Gschwend, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany; Fredrik Laestadius and Anders Ullen, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden; Daniel Castellano, I_12 Research Institute, University Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain; Edna Chow Maneval, Shaw-Ling Wang, and Isan Chen, Pfizer Oncology, La Jolla, CA; and Maria Jose Lechuga and Jolanda Paolini, Pfizer Oncology, Milan, Italy.
alt-title: Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology
number: 2
accession-num: 24323035
Tags _EndnoteXML import
Date Added 2018/07/20 - 10:05:58
Date Modified 2018/07/20 - 10:05:58
Parent item Randomized, placebo-controlled, phase III trial of sunitinib plus prednisone versus prednisone alone in progressive, metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer

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