Epitranscriptomics & Cancer Adaptation : A.David


Our research work focuses on the contribution of post-transcriptional mechanisms on cancer cell adaptation, in particular RNA epigenetic & translational control.


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Group name EquipeJPP
Item Type Journal Article
Title In Silico Investigation of the Biological Implications of Complex DNA Damage with Emphasis in Cancer Radiotherapy through a Systems Biology Approach
Creator Pavlopoulou et al.
Author Athanasia Pavlopoulou
Author Seyedehsadaf Asfa
Author Evangelos Gioukakis
Author Ifigeneia V. Mavragani
Author Zacharenia Nikitaki
Author I??l Takan
Author Jean-Pierre Pouget
Author Lynn Harrison
Author Alexandros G. Georgakilas
Abstract Different types of DNA lesions forming in close vicinity, create clusters of damaged sites termed as "clustered/complex DNA damage" and they are considered to be a major challenge for DNA repair mechanisms resulting in significant repair delays and induction of genomic instability. Upon detection of DNA damage, the corresponding DNA damage response and repair (DDR/R) mechanisms are activated. The inability of cells to process clustered DNA lesions efficiently has a great impact on the normal function and survival of cells. If complex lesions are left unrepaired or misrepaired, they can lead to mutations and if persistent, they may lead to apoptotic cell death. In this in silico study, and through rigorous data mining, we have identified human genes that are activated upon complex DNA damage induction like in the case of ionizing radiation (IR) and beyond the standard DNA repair pathways, and are also involved in cancer pathways, by employing stringent bioinformatics and systems biology methodologies. Given that IR can cause repair resistant lesions within a short DNA segment (a few nm), thereby augmenting the hazardous and toxic effects of radiation, we also investigated the possible implication of the most biologically important of those genes in comorbid non-neoplastic diseases through network integration, as well as their potential for predicting survival in cancer patients.
Publication Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)
Volume 26
Issue 24
Pages 7602
Date 2021-12-15
Journal Abbr Molecules
Language eng
DOI 10.3390/molecules26247602
ISSN 1420-3049
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra Number: 24 PMID: 34946681 PMCID: PMC8708251
Tags cancer, clustered DNA damage, comorbidities, DNA Repair, DNA, Neoplasm, Humans, Neoplasms, original, Radiation, Ionizing, Scientific, Systems Biology
Date Added 2023/11/23 - 12:44:35
Date Modified 2024/12/15 - 11:44:18
Notes and Attachments PubMed entry (Attachment)
Texte intégral (Attachment)

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