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Added by alainmange
Group name PlateformePP2I
Item Type Journal Article
Title A bioinspired approach for the modulation of electroosmotic flow and protein-surface interactions in capillary electrophoresis using silylated amino-amides blocks and covalent grafting
Creator Gouyon et al.
Author Jérémie Gouyon
Author Margaux Clavié
Author Gutiérrez-Climente Raquel
Author Giang Ngo
Author Pascal Dumy
Author Pascal Etienne
Author Pierre Martineau
Author Martine Pugnière
Author Mehdi Ahmad
Author Gilles Subra
Author Catherine Perrin
Author Yoann Ladner
Abstract We explore a bioinspired approach to design tailored functionalized capillary electrophoresis (CE) surfaces based on covalent grafting for biomolecules analysis. First, the approach aims to overcome well-known common obstacles in CE protein analysis affecting considerably the CE performance (asymmetry, resolution, and repeatability) such as the unspecific adsorption on fused silica surface and the lack of control of electroosmotic flow (EOF). Then, our approach, which relies on new amino-amide mimic hybrid precursors synthesized by silylation of amino-amides (Si-AA) derivatives with 3-isocyanatopropyltriethoxysilane, aims to recapitulate the diversity of protein-protein interactions (?-? stacking, ionic, Van der Waals...) found in physiological condition (bioinspired approach) to improve the performance of CE protein analysis (electrochromatography). As a proof of concept, these silylated Si-AA (tyrosinamide silylation, serinamide silylation, argininamide silylation, leucinamide silylation, and isoglutamine silylation acid) have been covalently grafted in physiological conditions in different amount on bare fused silica capillary giving rise to a biomimetic coating and allowing both the modulation of EOF and protein-surface interactions. The analytical performances of amino-amide functionalized capillaries were assessed using lysozyme, cytochrome C and ribonuclease A and compared to traditional capillary coatings poly(ethylene oxide), poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride), and sodium poly(styrenesulfonate). EOF, protein adsorption rate, protein retention factor k, and selectivity were determined for each coating. All results obtained showed this approach allowed to modulate the EOF, reduce unspecific adsorption, and generate specific interactions with proteins by varying the nature and the amount of Si-AA in the functionalization mixture.
Publication Electrophoresis
Date 2023-12-31
Journal Abbr Electrophoresis
Language eng
DOI 10.1002/elps.202300168
ISSN 1522-2683
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 38161236
Tags capillary electrophoresis, coating, original, pp2i, protein, silylated amino-amide
Date Added 2024/01/08 - 09:48:38
Date Modified 2024/01/08 - 09:49:27
Notes and Attachments PubMed entry (Attachment)

© Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier - 2011 - Tous droits réservés - Mentions légales - Connexion - Conception : ID Alizés