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Added by alainmange
Group name PlateformePP2I
Item Type Journal Article
Title Alterins Produced by Oyster-Associated Pseudoalteromonas Are Antibacterial Cyclolipopeptides with LPS-Binding Activity
Creator Desriac et al.
Author Florie Desriac
Author Abderrafek El Harras
Author Matthieu Simon
Author Arnaud Bondon
Author Benjamin Brillet
Author Patrick Le Chevalier
Author Martine Pugničre
Author Patrice Got
Author Delphine Destoumieux-Garzón
Author Yannick Fleury
Abstract Discovery after discovery, host-associated microbiota reveal a growing list of positive effects on host homeostasis by contributing to host nutrition, improving hosts' immune systems and protecting hosts against pathogens. In that context, a collection of oyster associated bacteria producing antibacterial compounds have been established to evaluate their role in non-host-derived immunity. Here, we described alterins; potent anti-Gram negative compounds produced by Pseudoalteromonas hCg-6 and hCg-42 isolated from different healthy oyster hemolymph. The strains hCg-6 and hCg-42 produce a set of at least seven antibacterial compounds, ranging from 926 to 982 Da structurally characterized as cyclolipopeptides (CLPs). Alterins share the same cationic heptapeptidic cycle connected via an amido bond to different hydrophobic hydrocarbon tails. Their MICs disclosed a potent antibacterial activity directed against Gram-negative bacteria including oyster and human pathogens that may confer a beneficial defense mechanism to the host but also represents an untapped source of new antibiotics. The alterins' mechanisms of action have been deciphered: after binding to lipopolysaccharides (LPS), alterins provoke a membrane depolarization and permeabilization leading to bacterial lysis. As hCg-6 and hCg-42 produced a set of natural derivatives, the structure/activity relationship linked to the carbon tail is clarified. We showed that the hydrocarbon tail determines the LPS-binding properties of alterins and consequently their antibacterial activities. Its length and saturation seem to play a major role in this interaction.
Publication Marine Drugs
Volume 18
Issue 12
Date 2020-12-10
Journal Abbr Mar Drugs
Language eng
DOI 10.3390/md18120630
ISSN 1660-3397
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 33321943 PMCID: PMC7764243
Tags alterin, antibiotic, author, cyclolipopeptides, original, pp2i, Pseudoalteromonas
Date Added 2021/01/06 - 10:31:14
Date Modified 2021/01/06 - 16:37:54
Notes and Attachments PubMed entry (Attachment)

© Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier - 2011 - Tous droits réservés - Mentions légales - Connexion - Conception : ID Alizés