Epitranscriptomics & Cancer Adaptation : A.David


Our research work focuses on the contribution of post-transcriptional mechanisms on cancer cell adaptation, in particular RNA epigenetic & translational control.


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Group name EquipeMY
Item Type Journal Article
Title What Does N2 Lymph Node Involvement Mean for Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)?-A Review of Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment
Creator Linares Díaz et al.
Author Julio Linares Díaz
Author John Edwards
Author Anne-Leen Deleu
Author Niccolo Giaj-Levra
Author Elena Prisciandaro
Author Marianne Paesmans
Author Thierry Berghmans
Author Mariana Brandão
Abstract Patients with stage III NSCLC with N2 lymph node involvement carry a complex and diverse disease entity. Challenges persist in the areas of diagnosis, staging, multimodal management, and the determination of surgical indications and resectability criteria. Therefore, this review focuses on the latest updates in N2 disease staging and its prognostic and treatment implications. Emphasis is placed on the importance of accurate staging using imaging modalities such as [18F]FDG-PET/CT as well as minimally invasive mediastinal staging endoscopic techniques. The evolving role of surgery in the management of N2 disease is also explored. The benefits of neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatments have been demonstrated, along with the efficacy of a combined multimodal approach with chemo-immunotherapy in the perioperative setting, reigniting the debate of N2 disease subsets and optimal treatment options. Furthermore, this review addresses the controversies surrounding surgical approaches in upfront "borderline" resectable stage III NSCLC as well as the benefits of combined chemoradiotherapy with consolidation immunotherapy for patients with unresectable tumors. In conclusion, personalized diagnostic and treatment approaches tailored to individual patient characteristics, resource availability, and institutional expertise are essential for optimizing outcomes in patients with stage III-N2 NSCLC.
Publication Cancers
Volume 16
Issue 15
Pages 2673
Date 2024-07-26
Journal Abbr Cancers (Basel)
Language eng
DOI 10.3390/cancers16152673
ISSN 2072-6694
Short Title What Does N2 Lymph Node Involvement Mean for Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)?
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 39123401 PMCID: PMC11311523
Tags lung cancer, N2, stage III
Date Added 2024/10/10 - 16:15:46
Date Modified 2024/10/10 - 16:15:46
Notes and Attachments PubMed entry (Attachment)

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