Epitranscriptomics & Cancer Adaptation : A.David


Our research work focuses on the contribution of post-transcriptional mechanisms on cancer cell adaptation, in particular RNA epigenetic & translational control.


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Group name PlateformePCC
Item Type Journal Article
Title Molecular and Biochemical Analysis of the Estrogenic and Proliferative Properties of Vitamin E Compounds
Creator Khallouki et al.
Author Farid Khallouki
Author Philippe de Medina
Author Stéphanie Caze-Subra
Author Kerstin Bystricky
Author Patrick Balaguer
Author Marc Poirot
Author Sandrine Silvente-Poirot
Abstract Tocols are vitamin E compounds that include tocopherols (TPs) and tocotrienols (TTs). These lipophilic compounds are phenolic antioxidants and are reportedly able to modulate estrogen receptor ? (ER?). We investigated the molecular determinants that control their estrogenicity and effects on the proliferation of breast cancer cells. Docking experiments highlighted the importance of the tocol phenolic groups for their interaction with the ERs. Binding experiments confirmed that they directly interact with both ER? and ER? with their isoforms showing potencies in the following order: ?-tocols?>??-tocols?>??-tocols. We also found that tocols activated the transcription of an estrogen-responsive reporter gene that had been stably transfected into cells expressing either ER? or ER?. The role of the phenolic group in tocol-ER interaction was further established using ?-tocopherylquinone, the oxidized form of ?-TP, which had no ER affinity and did not induce ER-dependent transcriptional modulation. Tocol activity also required the AF1 transactivation domain of ER. We found that both ?-TP and ?-TT stimulated the expression of endogenous ER-dependent genes. However, whereas ?-TP induced the proliferation of ER-positive breast cancer cells but not ER-negative breast cancer cells, ?-TT inhibited the proliferation of both ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancer cells. These effects of ?-TT were found to act through the down regulation of HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR) activity, establishing that ERs are not involved in this effect. Altogether, these data show that the reduced form of ?-TP has estrogenic properties which are lost when it is oxidized, highlighting the importance of the redox status in its estrogenicity. Moreover, we have shown that ?-TT has antiproliferative effects on breast cancer cells independently of their ER status through the inhibition of HMGR. These data clearly show that TPs can be discriminated from TTs according to their structure.
Publication Frontiers in Oncology
Volume 5
Pages 287
Date 2015
Journal Abbr Front Oncol
Language eng
DOI 10.3389/fonc.2015.00287
ISSN 2234-943X
Library Catalog PubMed
Extra PMID: 26779438 PMCID: PMC4700278
Tags breast cancer, gene transcription, HMG-CoA reductase, molecular modeling, original, proliferation, vitamin E
Date Added 2019/06/04 - 17:11:35
Date Modified 2019/06/05 - 11:04:54

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