Epitranscriptomics & Cancer Adaptation : A.David


Our research work focuses on the contribution of post-transcriptional mechanisms on cancer cell adaptation, in particular RNA epigenetic & translational control.


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Title  Creator  Group name  Publishing year 
[COVID-19 and people followed for breast cancer: French guidelines for clinical practice of Nice-St Paul de Vence, in collaboration with the Collège Nationale des Gynécologues et Obstétriciens Français (CNGOF), the Société d'Imagerie de la Femme (SIFEM), the Société Française de Chirurgie Oncologique (SFCO), the Société Française de Sénologie et Pathologie Mammaire (SFSPM) and the French Breast Cancer Intergroup-UNICANCER (UCBG)] Gligorov et al. EquipeCTCS 2020-05
Decision of adjuvant chemotherapy in intermediate risk luminal breast cancer patients: A prospective multicenter trial assessing the clinical and psychological impact of EndoPredict® (EpClin) use (UCBG 2-14) Penault-Llorca et al. EquipeELC 2020-02
Analysis of the StoRM cohort reveals physical activity to be associated with survival in metastatic breast cancer Delrieu et al. EquipeCTCS 2020-07-01
[Breast cancer screening: On our way to the future] Delaloge et al. EquipeCTCS 09 2016

© Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier - 2011 - Tous droits réservés - Mentions légales - Connexion - Conception : ID Alizés